293012345 ICC Guidance Note on Possible Measures Aimed at Mitigating the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mr. Ahmad Jamali






Degree                                          University/City                                                            

PhD., (Management)                       University of Tehran                                                                 

M.A., (Management)                        University of Shiraz                                                                  

B.A., (Management)                         University of Tehran                                                                



Official & Research Career Highlights

  • Deputy for Economic Affairs of The Secretariat of The Supreme Council of Free Trade, Industrial and Special Economic Zones.
  • Acting President of the Organization for Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI),  
  • Director General for Department of Foreign Investment, the Organization for Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI),
  • Acting Vice Minister of the Ministry of Road & Transportation,
  • Director General for Department of Economic Affairs, Investment & cooperation, Ministry of Road & Transportation,
  • General Secretariat of Investment Center, Ministry of Road & Transportation,
  • Advisor to the Vice Minister of Road & Transportation,
  • Director General for Department of Loans and International Organizations & Institutions, of the Organization for Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI)
  • Director General for Department of Human Resources & Management, the Organization for Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI),
  • Advisor to the President and Vice Minister, the Organization for Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI),
  • Deputy Director General for Department of Foreign Investment, the Organization for Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI),
  • Deputy Director General for Department of Loans and International Organizations & Institutions, of the Organization for Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI)
  • Deputy Director General for Department of Economic Affairs, Investment & cooperation, Ministry of Road & Transportation,
  • Deputy Director General for Department of International Affairs, Engineering and Technical Services Export, Ministry of Road & Transportation,
  • Teaching Management courses at University of Tehran,
  • Teaching FDI courses at the University of Shahid Beheshti,
  • Teaching Feasibility Studies courses of Industrial Projects at the University of Tehran,
  • ….

Negotiations & Cooperation with International Organizations and Other countries


  • Heading Negotiations of Bilateral Investment Treaties with Greece, Kuwait, Malaysia, Libya, Hong Kong, Finland, Kenya, Afghanistan, Armenia, Brunei, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, Iraq, Turley, Czech Republic…
  • Participating & holding Investment Seminars in more than 40 countries such as Japan, Switzerland, Russia, India, Singapore, Kuwait, Portugal, …
  • Holding negotiations with international developments Banks and organizations such as World Banks, IMF, Islamic Development Banks, COMSEC,…



